Tom's Restaurant, better known as "Restaurant" from Seinfeld, still looks exactly the same from the outside as it did on the old show.
I had the pleasant experience dining at this family restaurant on a big and juicy beef burger with all the fixins'.
"The inside of the restaurant?" you ask. Well, it is smaller than on the show, but looks a little similar to what George and Jerry might be sitting in with nothing but booths to sit in.
Did I see their apartment or the glow from the Kenny Roger's Chicken sign?
Nope, according to the NBC television special, the apartment outside is actually in Los Angeles and Kenny Rogers Chicken, if I remember correctly, went broke years ago.
But none the less, travelling to Tom's on the Upper west side is well worth the travel.
Roger Lajoie: Toronto Mike'd Podcast Episode 1551
15 hours ago
Just FYI Mike... there is still at least one Kenny Roger's Chicken... its in Edmonton Alberta Canada, on Calgary Trail near Gateway Plaza and a movie theatre, so if you are ever in Edmonton, you'll have to check it out.